You become what you believe!

good morning my Goddesses

The other evening as I sat in the presence of Oprah, I was reminded of many important life messages. I love the way God does so ...sometimes, in a subtle way, other times, it's like a big neon sign flashing....grabbing my attention and saying are you hearing this? The whole evening with Oprah was like  big NEON sign...flashing in a big way! As I sat there taking it all in, I laughed and said to God, Ok, I get it....thanks for providing me with this free ticket to be here this evening. I graciously said thank you from my heart because I so knew that I had to be there that night.

A dear friend of mine, gently reminded me recently that our words create our world! I heard the words....I say ..yeah I so get it....intellectually I got it but some where within me, I for some odd reason had not fully embodied it in my body, in my life. Who knows why...sometimes, I believe some of us have fun with our so called pity parties. I have had a few in my life and hopefully there will be less along the way, though, it is likely I will have some here and there as I believe it is part of being human. On this night with Oprah, she shares with us that You become what you believe! She shared that she believed that she was meant to take information and share it with the world in her own creative way. She began her life as a journalist and is most likely one of the most inspirational woman of our time who changed the face of daytime tv shows and so much more.

As I sat there and let those words seep into my being: YOU BECOME WHAT YOU BELIEVE! ....I am thinking, there's a little bit more work required here. I am in the midst of a spiritual transformation which is weaving its way into all aspect of my being and life. It's like I am shedding a skin...literally and figuratively. I will share that it's been very uncomfortable on a good day because my ego mind is trying to find something it can compare it to and it so cannot find's also trying to rationalilze it....and it's not really working other than creating chaos in my mind which means that I at times can get on that hamster wheel in my mind and it spins , spins...where and when its stops is up to me....this powerful yet very simple message was a reminder to adjust my thinking so to speak! My business is evolving and that can be scary at least it is for me...because a part of me so has a desire to want to control it rather than fully trust God will lead the way . I am to say yes to God's invite, pick up the clues along the way, take action and know that I am exactly where I am meant to be a this moment in time. my business is evolving in a way that is stretching me out of my comfort zone...quite a bit actually...I love being on stage so that part of my business is easy and fun for me. The topic that I am being guided to speak about...that of sexuality and sensuality is what I have been resisting for months now.....why me...what do I may I serve others with this topic etc.....The other day, I said enough I looked into the mirror and connected with my beautiful sparkling green eyes....and said Ok God, I will serve you in this way. I accept your invite I have no idea what this truly means other than I so know it will be an exhilerating ride filled with muh fun, joy, love, growth..lots of growth...the best part is that I get to serve and express my soul's unique expression while helping others on their journey. I in that moment chose to Believe that I am a Goddess who has this amazing gift to teach and it's time that I step into that gift that is uniquely mine.

what do you believe about yourself?

what have you been resisting to step into?

what words will you choose to create your world?

know that there is no one quite like choose to express the uniqueness of your soul in your own way....need not be perfect...simply move forth knowing you are not alone and that the goddess energy is always present and that you can tap into it's magical powers to assist you on your journey of self evolution.

the love in me embraces and honours the love in you!




Diane Merpaw

Sacred Intuitive Artist &

Spiritual Coach