I want to know what love is

Yesterday, this beautiful song was playing on the radio while I was heading to an appointment.  I have heard this song so many times over the years, yet , yesterday it sounded different and the lyrics drew me in like a spell. The words of this song really resonated with me. why today? why now? what message is there for me in this? I do believe my guides were trying to get my attention as they often do with songs. This is one of the many ways my guides have chosen to communicate messages to me with regards to things going on in my life.  When I got home, I browsed the web to find the lyrics to this song and I must say they so resonated with me. I knew in that moment that I would choose to make this song my intention for the month of December. I put it out there in the universe, to God, to source  that I want to know what love is. I want  to feel it and know its true meaning at the very core of my being. I want it to transform me in ways beyond my current understanding. What is love? is it a feeling? is it a way of being? How do I know it is love? How do I recognize it? How do I move beyond all of this conditioning that has been set so ingrained within me the beginning of my life?  When I think of great teachers whom encapsulate the meaning of love, Jesus comes to mind.  He, in my view, emulates the true  meaning of love. Mother Theresa is also another wonderful human being who devoted her life to love. Loving those whom had been rejected by their families, by society. She took them in and shared with them the most precious gift of all- love. It is there for each and every one of us.  Love in its purest form can be seen in a beautiful baby that has just come into this world, yet unscathed by the human condition. it does not know how to judge? it does not know how to reject another? It only knows to be and radiate love at its purest form. We, each and every one of us, inject the little precious one with our limited beliefs and limited understanding of what the true meaning of love really is. I dare you this month to take some time to ponder the true meaning of love, that which is beyond the romantic idea potrayed to us by society in so many ways (movies, books etc).

Diane Merpaw

Sacred Intuitive Artist &

Spiritual Coach