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Are We Sacredness in Motion?

In this blog I am sharing my thoughts and reflections on the sacredness of our lives. This post has been written with the intent to stir something within you. It was not written to hurt, or insult anyone. I am your sister on this human journey and my views on the church are mine and based on my personal experience. You may hold a different view and I love that you do. Let's celebrate our differences and unite with our love for human expression.
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Deep Within Her Self

This poem was inspired by another poem sent to me by a friend. The words in that poem did not land in me but it did inspire me to create this. Grab a cup of tea or coffee, and follow the words deep within.
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The Mystery of Love

Love is knocking on your door inviting you to dance with its infinite mystery, will you be daring and brave enough to answer the call?
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MAIN ABOUT SERVICES Inspirational Speaker Intuitive Readings Sex Coaching Intuitive Spiritual Coaching EVENTS TESTIMONIALS BLOG CONTACT MAIN ABOUT SERVICES Inspirational Speaker Intuitive Readings Sex Coaching Intuitive Spiritual Coaching EVENTS TESTIMONIALS BLOG CONTACT Diane Merpaw Title – Replace Open Pharagraph – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore euconsectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod. Main Content – No matter if
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Wake up ~ Play ~ Blossom

I was inspired by the divine mystery to start my days differently. For you see, my normal routine is wake up, snuggle with my man for 10 to 15 min , have my breakfast, shower and then make my way to my home office.  The divine mystery speaking through the whispers of my heart was asking me if I would accept it's invite to do things differently for the next 2 weeks. I was being asked to play first then work. Um....the idea intrigue me but my ego was on fire: what do you mean play first; what do you mean that I don't have to tackle my to do list in the same usual way etc...On and on it went. Honestly, I don't know about you but it can be really exhausting to listen to the never stopping chatter of the ego which I often call my itty bitty shitty committee. It does serve a purpose and I am happy to have one yet it most certainly has held me back in my life more than it has inspired me. Move over ego, my authentic self yearns to lead her life in her own unique way.
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Gratitude Love Project

It’s been a while since I’ve last touch base with you. I hope that all is well with you. I thank you for your patience,understanding and your continued loyalty. For me, December is a time of reflection as the year is quickly coming to a close. Amidst this busy festive season, I encourage you to carve out some quite time just for you to reflect on the gifts, the blessings and the lessons of this past year. When we are busy running the treadmill of life, it is so easy to forget all that has transpired during the year. Perhaps, for some of you it’s been a year filled with personal challenges. I do believe that there is light and gifts in these challenges and I invite you to look for the good in all of it....there is always a thread of hope, of light....change how you see things and your life will change!
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One Love, One Heart

This week’s newsletter is inspired by Bob Marley’s song; One Love, One Heart which I heard for the very first time when I was in Jamaica recently. I do believe we are all connected and that we are all special and unique.  We are one heart, one love- all a big part of the human family. We are love. You are loved. Wherever you are, love finds you.  It can be felt in the touch of another, it can be heard and felt in music, it may be in the warmth of the sun kissing your face. It may be
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The Key Is Love

In my earlier years, I defined success by the status of my professional career and the things I had achieved and obtained in my personal life. But within me, a deep stirring rumbled beneath the surface − I did not know what it signified. Yet it scared me. This feeling never really left me; I would go as far as to say it haunted me. It would make an appearance when I least expected it to, while I was continuously searching outside myself for the answers, believing I would find something out there to satisfy my personal needs.
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Accepting responsibility

Accepting responsibility for our actions, our inactions , our words, our thoughts, our fears is important. We have all been given an opportunity to create a most amazing life. Every moment of every day, each of us, has been presented with so many choices. Some choices are better for us others may be considered less than desirable. Though it is through this process that we can learn so much about ourselves and others. The world of duality is good for it is my belief that it assists us with our learning, with our soul’s evolution. We are here to learn, to grow, to evolve. We can
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