Archives for mastering the journey

Exploring – the gift that keeps on giving!

Exploring is so much fun! It’s amazing what you will discover about yourself and about others when you simply allow yourself to explore! In my private practice, I often will invite my clients to try something new- to explore! Many times, this is met with some resistance! What do you mean explore? I don’t know where to start?   I don’t have time? To which I say… don’t have time for you?  This is your life and you get to choose each and every step of the way how you choose to live your life. Don’t leave it up to
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Trust dear one Trust!

a few weeks ago, I booked a writing week away in the EAstern Township….I was planning on going there for the March break. Writing at home has proven to be quite a challenge on a good day…the phone rings, emails etc….though I must say I , at times, my work on disciplining myself a little better..that I won’t deny. it’s a little harder when you are at home and it requires me to be more vigilant to say the least.  I called the Inn and booked the week as well as blocked the time off in my calendar. a few
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Your life masterpiece

Quote When we are really honest with ourselves, we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us.  So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are.  César Chavez A few weeks ago, when I was in the studio painting, what came to me in a moment of inspiration was the following: your life is a love letter to God!  I was struck with incredible ahhhness….and found the statement so powerful.   I to this day, I continue to ponder these beautiful  and powerful words….God for me is this universal energy of
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Are you willing to be Brave to listen to your heart, to your spirit?

“All it takes is finding the bravery to be true to what’s in your heart and in your spirit.  It’s not always easy (that’s the brave part) but is wonderfully simple.”  Jamie Ridler I love this quote…it is simple yet incredibly powerful. Are you being true to your heart? To your Spirit?  Your spirit is your soul’s essence and it’s important to know her/him well and let him/her shine as brilliantly as she can. Your spirit lies deep within you…it is you…the very core of you… you let your Spirit shine through or do you put a mask on it…afraid
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