Archives for Intuition

Trust dear one Trust!

a few weeks ago, I booked a writing week away in the EAstern Township….I was planning on going there for the March break. Writing at home has proven to be quite a challenge on a good day…the phone rings, emails etc….though I must say I , at times, my work on disciplining myself a little better..that I won’t deny. it’s a little harder when you are at home and it requires me to be more vigilant to say the least.  I called the Inn and booked the week as well as blocked the time off in my calendar. a few
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Intuition, the whispers that lead the way

It is my belief that each and every one of us are intuitive. perhaps you have said, I have a gut feeling something is up….perhaps, you’ve said something just doesn’t feel right, perhaps you feel nudge to pick up the phone or write an email to someone you have not seen or spoken to in a while,perhaps it has shown up as a warning…like don’t trust this person or I m not sure this deal is right for me.  Intuition is a strong and powerful voice…it often shows up in fleeing moments. it shows up as a whisper and often
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simply trusting

On the weekend, a few of my gel nails were damaged and I sought to reschedule my appointment with the spa company I regularly go to. Unfortunately, they were not able to accommodate my request on that day as they were fully booked. However, they did offer to book an appointment later in the week with a new esthetician as the wonderful lady that I usually see is away on vacation.
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Following our hearts

Why does it seem so difficult for us to follow our hearts? is it because we have a hard time hearing its whispers? is it because we are afraid that we will not be supported by our loved ones? Ar we afraid of rejection?  The other day a friend of mine called me to share that he was thinking of changing the direction of his career. His heart has been telling him for some time now that it is time to move forth and try something new. Yet, when he consulted with loved ones and dear friends, the reactions were
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Trusting your intuition

Intuition is a six sense we all have, however, many of us choose not to acknowledge it or even recognize that we have it. Why? Not really sure. One of the reasons may be that we don’t recognize what intuition looks or feels like.  In my experience, what I have come to realize is that is so individualistic.  We all receive messages in so many different ways. It is for the most part really subtle and at other times may show up as a loud voice which may or may not sound like your own. Earlier this year, I had been
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