Monthly Archives February 2013

Speak your truth with Love

hello beautiful ones the universe provides ample opportunities for growth …recently, I hired a friend to help me out with some research and administration tasks that I just could not seem to get too. however, these are an important element of my business. When we are solopreneurs, it is often a challenge to balance all of the tasks, activities, functions and more times, than not ,certain things tend to fall by the wayside for me. I was inspired by Spirit a few weeks ago to chat with a dear friend of mine to see if she would be interested in
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Trust dear one Trust!

a few weeks ago, I booked a writing week away in the EAstern Township….I was planning on going there for the March break. Writing at home has proven to be quite a challenge on a good day…the phone rings, emails etc….though I must say I , at times, my work on disciplining myself a little better..that I won’t deny. it’s a little harder when you are at home and it requires me to be more vigilant to say the least.  I called the Inn and booked the week as well as blocked the time off in my calendar. a few
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The way of the Goddess

what is the way of the goddess, I often ask myself? what does it mean to be a goddess? does that term still mean something to me? if so, then what?  thus, began my journey with exploring what goddess means to me and honestly, I believe the definition is not concrete per say ….it’s always evolving…changes as I believe it should. it is my belief that we, as souls, are here to grow and evolve spiritually. I would therefore put Goddess in that same basket so to speak. always growing and evolving. I am a goddess. Goddess for me is
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The Power of Self- Love

As I Began to Love Myself –  by Charlie Chaplin As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”. As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody As I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”. As I began to love myself
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Burlesque! Burlesque! calling my name

hello my beautiful fellow goddesses….I am so excited to share with you that our the next Goddess Lounge which I will be hosting at Serendipity Books and Gifts on WEllington Street In Ottawa that I will have the pleasure of having a delicious conversation with Bella Barecatt,creative director of  the Ottawa Burlesque Playground. at the goddess lounge we will get a little preview into the world of burlesque…perhaps this will inspire you to get in touch with your inner tigress and/or vixen..perhaps it will help you strengthen the connection of your that beautiful naughty one that is within you! All
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Out of Box-

hello my beautiful ones   today, I am feeling inspired to share with you how I am somewhat uncomfortable going out of my box…out of my comfort zone. hey, I believe we all have comfort zones. Many of us are creates of habit and do things in the same way , day in and day out. when someone dares us to think differently or to do something differently, we are not always open to the idea. we much prefer to stay with what we know versus what we don’t know. in december, I went to see Nicole Babin, a powerful
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Observe- life is full of precious gifts!

good morning I m back from a week’s vacation in the sun! it felt so good to unplug so to speak from the daily grind of my life. I shared the week with my handsome man and what a fabulous , love filled week it was! We walked the beach every single day, feet caressed by the golden sun, the sand and the warm ocean water! Ah, food for my soul! Hours laying on the beach getting lost in stories. I ‘m so proud of myself because for the first time in a very long time, I chose to read
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